Loma Alta # 2 Block 24
LOMA ALTA # 2 BLOCK 24.tif LOMA ALTA #2 Lots I & 2- Permit to Constance & printing in private garage, on on the property & no employees. l \ J. Clark & Bets Reeder, opr to do commercial developing part time basis, provided there are no signs posted Res. 1695 8-15-46 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Ralph & Lillian Greer to erect 181 611 x 28 1 ldry & gar with 0 1 side yd, cor Camulos, Montalvo & Val eta. Res. 7805 10-14-53 Lots 7-10- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Robt Billmire & Mr. Dick H. Neff, purchasers & Maria S. Correla, own to constr 2 & 3 story 16 unit apt bldg obs 12 1 front yd where 15 1 is res, res in approx 53% coverage where 50"/o is perm at 4359-67 Montalvo St betw Clovis & Camulos St., Zone R-4, condl C-9114 NH 2-3-69 ~g~~i!9t8 ~Qnnie L. & Mary Grondona to const a two=story three-unit apt bldg on a parcel with exs sfd: I) addn to obs 12 1 front yard on Valeta Street; 2) 8 1 high arch to obs a 12 1 front yard on Valeta Street; and 3) a 14 1 611 high arch obs a 41 int side yard. 4318 Valeta Street. Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-15083 NH. 4-18-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 21 and 22, Variance was denied by ZA, MILITZA DUROVIC sought to con- struct a second story addition to an existing single-family dwelling ob- serving a O' rear yard (existing one-story dwelling observes a 0' rear yard) where 15' is required at 4312 Valeta Street, R-1000 zone C-21470 7-16-97---------------------------------------------------------------------------