Loma Alta # 2 Block 20.5 Card 1
LOMA ALTA # 2 BLOCK 20.5 CARD 1.tif L~MA-ALTA-u2 eL~cK.2ot a cA~~;; Permit APPROVED by ZA to WILLIAM H. FOSSETT to construct a three-story, single-family f <,, dwelling to observe a 5' front yard where a 15' front yard is required, located at th~ 4200 block of Temecula Street at Camulos Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-17695 7-30-82 ZA APPROVED request of T.L.S. INVESTORS, OWNERS: JOSEPH RUEKBERG, PURCHASES to construct a single-family dwelling observing S' front yard on Temecula Street where 15' is reqd. and S' street side yard along Famosa Blvd. & Camulos St. where 10' is reqd at the 4200 block of Temecula & Camulos St., Zone R-600 with conds. C-19633 7/31/87-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------