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Development Services

Lion Miramar Industrial Park #1 Card 1

LION MIRAMAR INDUSTRIAL PARK #1 CARD 1.tif rc:ji~;;:i.i.lli~i.- i.1 i~iBL-if.:i~ w,; i ~;! 'i"t-&t~:. 4F CAIIO. Hi~ Parcel 3 of Parcel Map #7961, Portion of lot 2- Pe~mit APPROVED by ZA to LION MIRAMAR INOUSTRIAL PARK, owner; MIRA MESA TOWN COUNCIL, applicant, to erect one 41 X 8 1 X 71 high conrnunity identification sign for "Mira Mesa"; sign to observe a O' front yard where 25' is required, located on Camino Ruiz, approximately 290' north of Miramar Road, Zone M-18. Condition ~ortion of Lot 2- across Parcel 4 of SAMMIS PROPERTIES CUP 17673 7-2-82 DENIED REQUEST but APPROVED Parcel Map 14249 adjacent to for property located at 8996 access to required off-street parking the north, subj. to conds. sought by Miramar Rd., Zone MlB. C-19516 3/6/87--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consolidation & Division of ~ot 4 and Lot 8 of Unit #2 ~ Request of RANCHO BERNARDO CORPORATE CENTER, LOTD, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PRTNERSHIP, OWNER AND GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP., A DELAWARE CORP, LESSEE, to install approximately 500 feet of chain link fence & gates 8' high with three rows of barbed wire, TABLED, no variance required. 3/25/91 NH Lot 5, CUP approved with conditions by ZA, FIRST INTERSTATE BANK to establish a church at 8930 Activity Road, M-lB zone (C-21224 12-9-94,1----------------------------------------