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Linda Vista #7 Block 6 Card 2

LINDA VISTA #7 BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif.--.--..-..____,--.-,-.. " Ll:NDA VISTA UNIT /f7 BLOCK 6 Card #2 tt Lot 47- Z.A. considered the amended appl of Wilbur J. & Janie L. Baker to const a 61 x 11' addn to exist sin fam res addn to obs 61611 SB where 12.5 1 SB is estab at 2951 Preece St., betw Comly & Comstock St., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED a SB of 81611 condL c-9167 3-19-69 Lot 47- AGREEMENT to JAVIER & MATILDE AGUILAR to convert garage to bedroom and living room, at 2951 Preece Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2732 12-10-81 Lot 1, Map 3209- Permit to NATE J. FARRIES to construct a companion unit to an existing primary sJngle-family structure located at the southwesterly corner of Nye St. & Comstock St., Zoned R-1-5. CUP #83-0874 2/2/84 Lot 3- ZA APPROVED variance request of VLADO TRETINJAK to construct an addiition to one of two, nonconforming units within a side by side duplex on a premise with a total of two dwelling units where current zoning permits one dwelling unit, located at 3049 Ulric Street in the Rl-5000 Zone. C-20829 9/26/91-----------------------------------------------------------------