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Development Services

Linda Vista #4 Block 73

LINDA VISTA #4 BLOCK 73.tif LINDA VISTA #4 BLOCK 73-Lot 1- Permit to Charles G. & Inez Graff to constr fam rm addn to side of exist sin fam dwell, addn to encroach 61 into estab 30' SB on Tail St at 2o65 Burroughs St on SE cor Burroughs and Tait Sta. Zone R-2. C-7391 9-21-65 Lot 10- Permit to Matthew W. & Beverly Nolan to constr new kitchen addn to sin fam res & convert present kitchen into storage rm ret sink in converted room at 1945 Burroughs. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1727 12-6-71 Lot 1- Permit to Patrick L. & Ave Marie Herndon to erect approx 54' of 6 1 high solid fence obs 12' on Tait St where max 3' hign fence is perm in estab 30' SB on St, and where a rear yard adjoins front yard of adjacent parcel, at 2065 Burroughs St betw S.E. Cor- Burroughs St and Tait St. Zone R-2. Cond'l. C-11605 N.H. 11-3-72 Lot 1- Permit to Patrick L. & Ave Marie Herndon to (1) construct 22' x 22' garage addn on lot with exivting sin family dwelling; addn to obs 18' SB__..,..-on Tait Street where 30' is established; (2) erect 27' of 6' high solid wood " fence observing 12' SB on Tait Street where max 3' high fence is permitted in established 30' SB, at 2065 Burroughs Street, SE cor Tait St., Zone R-2 Cond' 1. ~-12,641 6-19-74