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Linda Vista #3 Block 89 Card 2

LINDA VISTA #3 BLOCK 89 CARD 2.tif--.-.,;,.,-- ~---~- ---~ t ' .. LllDA VISTA UNIT #3 BLOCK 89- Lot 14- C-5199 AMENED C-5199 10-4-62 Lot 38- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Waddell to constr carport add to exist non- conf duplex at 6847-49 Glidden St betw Burton & Coolidge St., Zone R-1-5, vondl. C-74o6 10-21-65 Lot 21- Permit to Glenn G. & Edna Bebb to const detached gat 624 sq ft in size encro 2' into req 4 1 side yd & 16 1 into req 20' rear yd at 1459 Burton St., Sly of Fitch st., Zone R-1-5, condl C-75o4 12-14-65 Iot 25-Agree w/TIM FLavERS to construct two-stry addition to existing single-family dwelling of family roan, living roan, 3 bedroans, & 3 bathroans at 1503 Burton, Zone not shown. Agree 3620 1-5-87 Lot 29, Variance was approved with conditions by ZA, ISABEL A. RAMIREZ sought to maintain, currently in violation, a covered porch observing a 9'7" front yard where an established 15' front yard is required at 1549 Burton Street, Rl-5000 Zone C-21381 8-7-96