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Development Services

Lawrence Manor Card 1

LAWRENCE MANOR CARD 1.tif LAWRENCE MANOR Lot 4- permit to Leon W. & Kathleen A. Scales to conv exist gar to fam rm & constr new gar attach to exist dwell; new gar to obs 6 1 sideyd (10' req), R-IC. Case#5944 9-11-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ot 4- permit to Leon W. & Kathlenn A. Scales to erect 21' of solid 6 1 high fence obs O' SB /where a max height of 3' is permitted in estab 20' SB (See C-5944), at 576 Albion St. betw the SW cor of Albion and Dupont Sts., Zone R-1-10, condl. Case#6540 6-4-64-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I- Dr. & Mrs. John H. Mehnert to conv exist sunshade structure to a lanai with bar sink and const garden shelter, 3593 Dupont St., Zone R-1-10. Agreement#1496 8-11-67 Lot 2- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ELSA LAWRENCE to construct a guest house over an existing sing three-car garage on same lot with a single-family dwelling, located at 565 Silvergate Avenue, Zone R-1-10, Conditions. CUP 18117 8-5-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED, UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZA AND ADOPTED HIS FINDINGS OF FACT. 10-24-83