Las Alturas Villa Sites Card 3
LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES CARD 3.tif LAS ALTURAS VILLA SITES o~o,...s. Wly 88' of Ely 288' of lot 63- Permit to Harold W, & Donna Nadell Lutes to div into 2 por, S side Olvera St., approx. 450' E of Euclid Ave. (cond'l) Res.#6368 4-16-52 p-;;-L-;;-;5-----;;;;;i-t--t-;-ja-;-L-.--;-l-;a-b;tA-.--c;;t-;z--t-;-;;;;;-s tn fam res on par, on Boni ta Dr., bet Santa Isabel & Olvera Sts. Res.#6785 9-3-52 Por Lot 63- Permit to Vern & Jewell Page, owners & Frederick Everson, pur to split into 2 par & erect sin fam res on ea, S side Olvera Ave., 500' E of Euclid. Res.#7057 12-24-52---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 55- Permit to Wm D. Evans & John R. & Leona D. Hansen, to split into 2 par & erect sin fam res on ea, on Bonita Dr., approx. 250' SW of Olvera; 5' ease alg both par to be deeded to City. Res.#7158 2-11-53 Wly 57.5' of Ely 157.5' of lot 62 (exc. Sly 490')- Permit DENIED to Nathan Beatty & Dorothy Atherton to split out this par, S side Olvera St. 230' W of Gwen St. C.C. 111153 3-19-53 Z.C. dee. upheld. Res.#7163 2-18-53 Lot 67, exc. Wly 174'- Permit to Donald E. & Virginia B. Smith to split out par & erect sin fam res, bet Bonita Dr. & Arroyo Ave. 500' E of Santa Isabel Dr., 5' ease to be ded. alg Bonita Dr. 6 mo. ext. Res.#7888 11-13-53 Res.#7489 6-10-53 Lot 52 (W 52' of E 105' of N 1181)- Permit to Franklin Joseph & Isadora Karash to split out par & erect sin fam res, S side Olvera Ave. approx. 52' W of 58th St. Res.#7475 6-10-53