Larwin Mesa View # 17 Card 1
LARWIN MESA VIEW # 17 CARD 1.tif " L1'RWI N MESA VIEW # 1 7 1 ()Ctq--~ Q..c_,\d # ~ / Lqts 1834 thru 1839--(Por- Section 30, Township 14 So, Range 2 West) Permit to \)tr Corporation of the B'ishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to constr a ~hurch plant & related activities at Pegasus Ave., & Libra Dr., Zone A-1-10 and R-1-5. CONDITIONAL_,~..4- /'-,,)7-7'? (.,;l-..J'-?s> t-13,521 5-27-76----------~r-------------------.--------~--------------------------------------- Lot 1910- Permit to John R. addn to obs a 10' rear yard; R-1-5. Condition. C-15092. & Carolyn A. Kirk to const a 12 1 x 16' addn to an exs sfd; (I) (2) to res in 41% lot coverage. 11049 Delphinus Way. Zone 5-26-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1904- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Joseph Beck to construct 11 1 X 25' addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to result in 42% lot coverage where a maximum of 40% is permitted, and observe 16' rear yard where 20' is required, at 11077 Delphinus Way, Zone R-1-5. Condition. CASE 16523 NH 12-7-79 Lot 1925- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Robert L. & Anita C. Wood to construct a 13' X 28 1 two-bedroom addition to existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe 15' rear yard where 20' is required and to result in 48% lot coverage where 40% is permitted, at 9080 Libra Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CASE 16481 12-13-79