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Development Services

Larchmont Block 7

LARCHMONT BLOCK 7.tif LARCHMONT BLOCK 7 (b Nly of Lot 4- Permit to Paul Ranta to const 2nd sin fam res, W side 59th St. betw Brooklyn & Kenwood. Res. 74 76 6-10-53 Lot 1, exc N56.5 & E87' measured along S & E lines- Permit to Robert A. & Winifred Ladlow, own & Elma Olson, purch to erect one sin fam res, on E side or Merlin Dr., approx 60' S of Brooklyn Ave., total of 3 sin fam res on orig lot. Res. 8235 6-9-54 fexe-El0Q' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B50' Lot 2- Permit to Tony Covina, own & H.H. & L. Dora Heaton, pur to const res on parcel split after zoning but prior to 12-5-54, N of 717 Merlin Dr., R-2 condl c-414 4-23-56 Bortion Lots 6 and 7- Permit to Julian & Dolores Buttaro to maintain gar converted to family room, garage observes 3'-6" front yard where 15' is req, at 606-59th Street tetween Kenwood Street and Brooklyn Avenue, Zone R-2- Cnnd'l. / C-12,607 5-22-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------