Lake Shore #3 Card 1
LAKE SHORE #3 CARD 1.tif.J LAKE.sHORE UNIT #3 Lot 204-- CARD ll Permit to Harlow F. & Mary M. Codling to maintain & complete constr. of 51611 high wood fence obs 5 1 setback on Wandermere Drive where max. 31 high fence is permi.ited in estab. 151 SB & maintain a 50 1 free standing tower antenna with 81 SB where 151 SB is required, at 6606 Belle Glade Ave, Zone R-1-5. C-7290 7/27/65-------------------------------------------------- Lot 220- Permit to Douglas R. & Lynn C. Mooney to const recreation room addn to rear of exist sing fam dwell; addn to encroach 14' into req 20 1 rear yard, at 6852 Belle Glade Ave., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 7678 5/18/66-------------------------------------------~----------------------- Lot 262- Permit to San Diego Unified School Dist. to dev par with elementary school, as per plans on file in the office of the Z.A. (Myron Green Elementary School) in the 7000 block Wandermere Dr. betw Belle Glade & Green Gables Aves., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. Case No. 8460 12-8-67 L6tl83--AGREEMENT #1616lt~-R~;~~;-&Jui1;-01ib;;t-t~-~~;~~~t-;~;;;;i~;-;~~-i------ bath addn witn bar sink to existing sin fam dwell at 6719 Green Gable, Zone R-1-5. A-1616A- 1-6-70