La Playa Block 162 Card 1
LA PLAYA BLOCK 162 CARD 1.tif LA PLAYA BLOCK 162 CARD #I d-,- Por Lots 3 & 4 & St closings adj- permit to Mabel K Giddings to divide a parcel of land Into 3 lots and to permit a sing fam res on each said parcel consisting of above mentioned lots and a por of Lot 2 Blk 163 Res 2515 9/24/47 Por Lots 3 & 4 and St closing adj & por of Lot 2 Blk 163- Amendment to Res 2515 ABOVE to permit division of parcel Into 2 lots Instead of 3 See Res 3000 3/24/48 S 57 1 Lot I & 25 1 st closing~ Permit to Annie L Flett, own & AD LaMotte purch to erect res 1st lot S of 621 San Elljo Res 3995 6/29/49 S 52 1 Lot I & 25 1 st clsg- Permit to Alfred D & Ethel M LaMotte to const gar 0 1 side yd 1st lot S of 621 San Elljo SEE RES 4323 BELOW Res 4077 8/10/49-----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------- S 52 1 Lot 1 & 25 1 st clsg- 6 mos ext to Res 4077 ABOVE to Alfred D & Ethel M LaMotte Res 4323 12/14/49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot I & 4- granted to J Victor & Bernyce W LeLaurln to remodel bedrm to bath, add bedrm to exist sing fam res obs 5 1 side yd (7.8 1 req) parcel split after 12/5/54 cond 1 l case 3389 & 3390 6/8/60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 & 4- Wallace Flett AGREEMENT 24 6/22/38-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------