La Mesa Colony Lot 23 Card 1
LA MESA COLONY LOT 23 CARD 1.tif LA MESA COLONY Lot 23 4lt eard I Por parcel 100 1x95 1 S side El Cajon Blvd 50 1 W of Art St- Permit to Alice & Lucile Strachan, 5025 Marl borough St to erect an 8 unit auto court on cond they grant easement of 20 1 to widen El Cajon Blvd through prop Res 69321 5/16/39------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temporary suspension of SB ord 13056 to allow a sign and floodlight standard at El Cajon & Seminole Dr with a SB of 51 on El Cajon Blvd If and when st is widened condt to be moved at no expense to city when so requested Granted to the Texaf Co Res 76064 l/27/42 Por- Permit to Arthur W Ruff, to const an 8 unit auto court on por of lot provided the necessary easement of 20 1 for future widening of El Cajon Blvd is granted to the City of San Diego Res 74995 8/26/41 i,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- cond'I permit to Harriet Stowell & ~ewis Burgess to use exist shed with 5 1 rear yd at 6439 El Cajon Blvd as res & const addn with 13' rear yd Res 300 6/10/43 Por- Permit to Carl J & Velma V Karcher to build a sing fam res Res 699 Seminole Dr 8/17/44 Por adj the SWly line of prop at 4706 Seminole Dr- Permit to Viola Deeds to permit the constr of sing fam res Res 1719 8/29/46------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por I00 1 xl50 1 adj par of land appr by Res 699- Permit to G Edward Schuetz to const one sing fam res on NWly side Seminole Dr S of El Cajon Blvd subject to conds ~ l/p8"/ 8 I I /'k,.