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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Block 18

LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 18.tif LA HE:SA COLONY: Block 18 Lot I- Edith James to operate dog and cat kennel In C Zone- temporary permit for 3 mo Res 66468 9/7/37 REPEALED by Res 66511 1 9/14/37, and granted temporary permit for 6 mo- expire 3/14/38 Lot 6 & W of 7- G. H. Wilson to operate black'Slll'llth & welding shop at 7245 El Cajon Blvd. cond Res 2849 2/11/48 N 50' of S 90' Lots 13, 14- Frank & Tommasa Manescalchi to split out parcel & erect sing fam res- W side 73rd, 50' N of Amherst Res 7008 1/11/52 Lots 15,16,17- to ABOVE to build 3 sing fam res on por of 3 lots & closed st. adj, 4905- 12-25 Harbison Ave Res 5467 4/18/51 N 50 1 of S 90 1 Lots 13, 14- to ABOVE to split out arcel & erect sing fam res, W side 73rd, 50' N of Amherst Res 6108 1/23/52