La Mesa Colony Block 16
LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 16.tif LA MESA COLONY Block 16 IJ I.Q.ts--'-r-7-~-~-erect- & operate eleva-te-d- water r-ese-rvo+r-, Z-one- R-2 ~ Res 66525 9/14/37 Lot 12- Al & Gl,dys Maria Cosgrove to cut off ndnconform rm w/0' sldeyd & move wall in, so bldg will have 3' sldeyd, 7289 Saranac St. Res 5167 11/29/50 Lot 3 & st closed adj- Arthur A. Murrell to constr sing fam res w/no st. frontage, but on 20' alley, 100' E of 72nd St & N side of alley, N of Mohawk St Res 668 Lots 8, 9 & W of 10 & st closed adj- Chas A. Taylor to div Into 2 bldg 2 units on ea site on Saranac, W. of 73rd C-1329 Lot 9 (except W 12') & W Lot 10 & S 20' Saranac St closed adj- Chas A. build 1 du~lex or 2 sing fam dwell w/25' on Saranac St S-448 Lot 8 & 12; 1 Lot 9 & S 20' of Saranac St closed adj- SAME above to build 2 sing fam dwell w/no&reet frontage S-449 8/6/ 2 sites~ constr 8/2157 Taylor to 8/6/57 duplex or 8/6/57