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Development Services

La Mesa Colony Block 15

LA MESA COLONY BLOCK 15.tif LA MESA COLONY Block 15 Lots 20,21,22, except N 30' of 22- Frank & Mamie C. Hendricks, and Chester E. & Virginia F McGarrey- to divide Into 2 bldg sltes, N side Amherst St, 150' E of 71st & to build duplex on Parcel 1 & 2 additional living units on Par 2 where sing fam res exists- cond Res 4743 6/14/50 W Lot 2, A 11 lnum fence to Cajon Lot I- Earl Warren, own, and J. Andrew Kitzman, Jes- 7' corrugated alum- remain In connection w/plumblng shop to enclose storage, E of 7105 El Res 4633 5/3/50 Lot 20 and E.l/2 Lot 21- Permit to Morris and Naomi Hirsch to constr four units on a'. lot containing 11,250 sq. ft. where not more than one unit is perm for every 3,000 sq. ft. lot area; 7100 Block Amherst St, Zone R-2 Cond 1 l C-10,828 ll-3-71 Ext. of,,,,, // Time- 5-3-74 (5-14-73) " 5-f-,'S {Sff- 7'r).,- //-3-75 {s-l~-7.6)