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La Jolla Village Apartments #2 Card 1

LA JOLLA VILLAGE APARTMENTS #2 CARD 1.tif I.A JOLLA VILLAGE APARTMENTS #2 1 \1'l s- ~ cARDH1 Lot f;- DENIED permit to LA JOLLA VILLAGE (a jt. venture) to constr 18-unit ap~plex w/35' wide driveways &15' min betw driveways wh max 25' driveway is perm w/45' betw drive- ways serving same premises- 8200 Via Mallorca betw Gilman & end of cul-de-sac, Map #7174, Zone R-2A.. C-11686 12/26/72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----Lot 3- Permit to Donald L, Bren co. to dev the property south of Via Alicante betw Yia Mallorca and Via Sonoma. Zone R-3. HLE-#4 12-1-72----~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 6- Permit to I,a Jolla Village, a Joint Venture, to erect 127' of wrought iron and block wall 56 11 higb obs 10' front yard wnere a max 3' hign wall is perm in a req 15' front yard, Via Mallorca betw Via Alicante and erld of cul-d-sac, Zone R-2A. Cend 'L c~ <"'.:4~~-_g-15~7.1__________________________________:::~~-~:~:--------------~==~=~---- Lot 6- Permit to La Jolla Village to constr a 71-un1t condominium project and provide access to req parking from Parcel "A" immediately adjacent to the north and Parcel "C" immediately adj to the SW, where access to req:parking must be directly to a dedicated street or all"y, at Via Mill.orca betw Via Marina and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-2A. C-12O52 7-11-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------