La Jolla Strand Block 13 Card 3
LA JOLLA STRAND BLOCK 13 CARD 3.tif \, LA JOLLA STRANO BLOCK 13 C, card 3 1 Lots 41 & Ely 12.5' Lot 42- Permit to Frederica G Sweet to const a duplex S-302 5/ l 8/55 Lots 42e.xcEly 12.5' & all Lot 43- Permit to Frederica G Sweet to maintain existing sing fam res with right to const one more sing fam res S-303 5/18/55 Lots 37 & 38- Cond~J permit to Harry A Collins to const 4 unit apt bldg making 4 units on one par 320 Palomar Ave Case 563 crossing Jot lines 6/29/56 Lots 37 & 38- Cond'I permit to Harry A Collins to const 4 unit apt bldg obs 5 1 611 SB Case 564 6/29/56 Lots 37 & 38- DENIED to Harry A Collins to const 4 unit apt bldg with 59"/o cov perm 54.5% 320 Palomar R-2 Case 565 9/19/56 Lot 24 exc W2'- Permit to Lowe] 1 M Rushing to const res & detached gar on par split after zoning in 300 b 1 k on Rosemont R-2 cond' 1 Case 803 1 0/15/56 Lots 37 & 38- Cond'l permit to Robert A Collins, own & Richard C & Harriet G Johnston prch to const 4 unit apt bldg with cov of 54.5% (40"/o perm) with 5 1 611 SB (8'9" recq) said apt bldg to cross lot lines, making total of 4 units on said prop Palomar St betw Vista del Mar Ave & La JOila Blvd R-2 Case 1929-31 7/11/58 6 mo ext to exp 7/11/59(1/8/59) 6 mo ext to exp 1/8/60(7/1/59)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------