La Jolla Park Villa Tract Block 76 Card 3
LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT BLOCK 76 CARD 3.tif / LA JOLLA PARK VILLA TRACT 0()0(/](p-:S BLOCK 76 CARD 113) 3 Lot 7- ZA DENIED request of WILLIAM SHANNAHAN, TRUSTEE to constr. a guest house, to be on top of an existing one-story garage to observe a O' north side yard where 4' is reqd. at 1245 Virginia Way, ZoneRl-5000. C-19499 2/27/87 APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals on May 20, 1987, BZA MODIFIED decision of the Zoning Administrator to APPROVE THE REQUEST TO CONSTR. A GUEST HOUSE TO BE LOCATED ON TOP OF AN EXISTING ONE-STORY GARAGE TO OBSERVE A 4' FRONT YARD ON OLIVET ST. where 15' is required, subj to conds. C-19499 5/20/87 APPEALED to CITY COUNCIL on August 11, 1987- City Council did not believe the applicant's project complied with criteria & standards for the guest house, THEREFORE, the appeal of Mrs. Eric Edmunds was granted & the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeal was overturned. C-19499 8/11/87------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 3- ZA has DENIED the request of BENCHMARK HOLDING, INC., at 1275 Virginia Way, Map 976, Rl-5000 zone. Cl9438 2/3/88 Lot 9, Variance denied as requested but approved with an 8' variance, sub- ject to,conditions, MAISIE EDEN POWER requested to construct a one-story attached garage with laundry room observing a 0'-0" front yard where 15' is requried at 1231 Virginia Way, Rl-5,000 Zone, Coastal Zone C-21392 9-18-96