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Development Services

La Jolla Park Block 7 Card 3

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 CARD 3.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 7 Lots 11, 12- Permit to George L. & Audrey J. Pinnell to dev prop as a supplemental parking lot to serve commercial activity across tne alley to tne east in tna 7400 blk of Fay Ave. betw Pearl & Genter Streets, Zone R-2. Cond'l. c-11583 10-31-72 Appealed Condition 4 appealed- Appeal GRANTED and tne decision of tne Assist z.A. per- taining to tne 4tn condition be, and nereby is overruled and tnat Condition #4 be deleted ~~~~~,~~~!i..i>__ ~~~~!~~-~~-~-==~~~~f_g~_:____ i:~;il~---------- Lots 26,27,28- Fermi t to Ttlomas L. Snepnerd to c onstr a 10' x 40', two story 800 sq. ft. addn (400 sq. ft. eacn floor) to exist office bldg. (1) eliminating req landscaping abutting public rignt-of-way on Girard Ave (2) eliminating req 8 parking spaces for addn (19) spaces ecist and wnere 45 parking spaces for 8952 sq. ft. of gross floor area are req at 7466 Girard Ave. betw Fay and Herscnel Avenues. Zone CN. Cond'l. c-11,709 5-2-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 17 thru 19,- Permit to Dr. J.T. and Georgeanna W. Lipe to (1) remodel portion of exsit bldg. to cost fB <),ooo where existing property improvements are valued at $6,250; (2) increase parking from existing 3 spaces to 15 spaces (7 tandem) where each parking space is req to have safe, efficient and convenient access to adj. street or alley, at 7420 Girard Ave, south of Pearl Street, Zone CN. C-12,268 N.H. 10-31-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------