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La Jolla Park Block 6 Card 2

LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 6 " Lots 9-10- Permit DENIED to Mrs. Joan Hagan and Charles J. Hagan to convert exist 20' x 24' gar to a studio apt; gar obs al' interior side yard on the south side where 4 1 is req; and eave obs a O' interior side yard where 2 '6" is req;, at 744 3 Eads Ave betw Pearl & Genter Streets, Zone R-2. c-11664 12-8-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Lots 29,30,31 and 32- Permit to Ella Good and Fred C. Corey, Owners, and Donald A. Kelley, Lessee, to erect a new ground sign replacing an existing sign, observing 01 SB on Fe;y Ave. where 15 1 is req, where ground signs within 1001 of residentially zoned property on the same public right-of-we;:, must be set back the same distance required for resident- ially zoned property, at 835 Pearl St. betwn Fe;y Ave and Eads Ave, zone C- Cond 1l. c-12,247 l0-31-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 27 & 28- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Virgil J. Vance, owner; and Citizen's Western Bank, lessee to use property as a parking lot to provide parking for proposed bank on adjacent property to the north, at 7458 Fay Avenue, Zone R-2. Conditions. 0__ c-16833 7-18- o ()-\-CJ 3 \-;z5-1 ~ Lots 1 to 8- Planned Di trict Permit to LA JOL PEARL ASSOCIATES, OWNER, & LIUS C. YEN, PERMITTEE, to enter into a joint use parking agreement for the utilization of 12 parking spaces (currently assigned to and used by Home Federal Savings and Load) by Yen's Banquet during those hours that the bank is closed located on the south side of Pearl Street between Fay Avenue and Girard Avenue, Map 352, La Jolla Planned District Zone 4. LJPDP #88-0316 7-15-88