La Jolla Park Block 50 Card 1
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 50 CARD 1.tif LA ALA PARK BLOCK 50;--~---_#_!~it Lot 17 & 18- Permit to Florence R McKinney to erect 3 houses on two lots R-1 7676 La Jolla Avenue Res 64356 5/6/36 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to NW Bone to erect two residence, one on ea-Jot Silverado Pl.,.--' 150' E of lvanhow St with a 15' SB from front prop line Res 2080 2/27/47 /Lot 10 exc Ely 72,' thereof- Permit to Mrs G C Barber to const sing fam res with 15'./ SB cor Silverado & Park Row Res 3705 2/9/49 Lot 10 exc Ely 72'- Permit to Mrs G C_Barber to const ABOVE res with!6 1611 rear yd Res 3706 2/9/49 Lots 12 & 13 & W 2 1 Lot 14- Permit to Maud L Bfshof to div into 2 bldg sites Park Row at Union Place Res 6436 4/30/52 Por Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Charles U & Rachel Gusti to move sing fam res forward to same ~arcel & add bedrm & bath; par split & recorded after date of orig zoning but prior./. to 12/5/54; exist detached gar on par obs approx 1' side yd & approx l' rear yd 7818 Exchange Pl R-l condl Case 6339 3/17/64 SEE HOUSE MOVE 4168 & Res 64356--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lot 2- permit to Harry Crosby to constr a 2-story SFD w/dark rm containing a sink at 1277 Silverado St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2397 10/78-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------