La Jolla Park Block 14 Card 1
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 14 CARD 1.tif BLOCK 14 Lot N 1 1' To const and At house Permit Res 502 7 Lot 1- Permit to H L Bodwell to build gar II 'x2' with 0 1 side yd & 3' to N 72' of the W 49' thereof SE cor of Ravina & Olivetas Res 3787 4/6/49 CARD 111 ~ Nly 70' of Sly 120 1 Lot 7- F W Grund's petition to erect store bldgs TABLED pending out- come of rezoning application 5/31/50 Nly1 70' of Sly 120' Lot 7- Permit DENIED to Frederick W & Dorothy F Gurnd to opera liguor store 7520 La Jolla Bid Res 5473 4/18/51 Nly 70' of Sly 120' Lot 7- Frederick W & Dorothy F Grund appealed to city Council Z C deci~ion sustaine~ CC Res 102242 5/10/51 Nly 70' of Sly 120' Lot 7- Permit to Frederick W & Dorothy F Grund to conduct plumbing office and sales display room with space in rear of office for stge of small fittings 7520 La Jolla Blve con'l Res 5550 6/16/51 Ely 10' S 60 1 Lot I- Wly 40 ' S 60' Lot 2- Permit to Mrs Stella W Abrams to const IO'x20 1 gar with I' side yd 418 Pearl Res 5704 7/25/51 Lot 7- F W Grund, cleaning Venitien blinds at 7524 La Jolla Blvd R-C zone Res 112188 5/21/~ S 60 1 Lot 3- Permit to Mrs tel la W Abrams to const 12'xl9' carport addn at rear of exist res & to con~ert exist gar to non,cmm'l art stdio, bth & studio to obs 3' rear yd 10' reg 420 Pearl ST R-4 Case4420 10/27/61 All of Blk- The proposed Ordinance incorporating portions of La Jolla Area in the City of San Die o into ht limitation Zone No denied CC 1 2643 9/1 /62 S 60 1 Lots 1 & 2 (less st opening Lot 1- Application of Edwin & Onnolee Gould to const 3 story apt bldg with basement gar; DBNIED I I front yd on Pearl St but APPROVED 61 front yd setback; DENIED l 1611 front yd on Ol ivetas St but APPROVED front yd according ~9' revised plans'APPROVED 14 1 & 1 rea-yd; DENIED 63% coverage but APPROVED max 61% coverage; 418 Pearl NW cor ll'eaJ::l ST & 01 i vetas St R-4 cond' I lase 8652 5/10/68