La Jolla Park Block 13 Card 1
LA JOLLA PARK BLOCK 13 CARD 1.tif tA JotLA ~ BLOCK l3 CAI\D #,I Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Joseph & Nannie Jordan to erect chain I ink fence 5' high, on f' both side lot lines in front of SB line 7536 Cuvier St Res 3666 1/26/49 Lot 11 & por of 12- Classification of use to Joseph F. Dudley for a vacuum sale & service facility proposed to be located in tbe RC zone at 7521 La Jolla Blvd. Res. 189460 2-2-67 Lots 11- 12- Classification of Use- clothes cleaning and pressing service at 7521 La Jolla Blvd. for A. P. Matlaw in the RC zone. Res.#132712 4-26-56 Lots 21 & 22- Permit to Isadore Henry, Eva H. Schwarts and Eugene & Lilo Berger,owners and Foodmaker, Inc, lessee to provide supplemental customer parking for Jack-In-The-Box walk-in restaurant on adjacent "c" zoned lots at 7!)00 Blk Cuvier St betw Pearl St and East of La Jolla Blvd, Zone R-3; condl. C-10286 1-28-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOVE APPEALED- Appeal DENIED and tne decision of the Z.A. is hereby sustained. (., C-10286 3-16-71 ~-tr.:Z..-~:.~;ii '1'he Biabop'a Scbool Upon tbe Scrippa Foua4at1on to-operate --- maintain an exiat private acbool and to conatr and operate adcln reereational t'acilitiea located on tbe S '14 ot' Proepect St betv La Jolla Blvd &DILi Draper Ave. Zone R-3 M-l. AllSO Lota l-241 Blk 18, Lota 3-20, Blk 19, Lota l-8, 12,13,41,~,45,~, Bllt l2 ("\ ~- A,._\~ n__.\ 3Ql~_-\K-9'7 ll.2-n-~~-~-~1-:=i~.51.D.7--~-~---~---(,_--N-.P..~------------- AMENOEO 9-1-83