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La Jolla Hills #2 Card 2

LA JOLLA HILLS #2 CARD 2.tif LA JOLLA HILLS NO 2 CARD II 2 1 \f.J~b'->- Cert of Survey filed in Zo n Off for Rus & Eleanor Forester to adjust lot lines adding triangular por PL 1287 & triang por of Lot 71 to a por Lot B of Resub of La Jolla Hills no 2 7595 Hillside Dr betw Via Siena & Soledad Ave R-1-C & R-1 Case 4048 4/28/61 Lot B {por)- Permit to Col John M & Loretta N Daly to remove existing guest room / from exist sing fam res located on par split after date of orig zoning but prior to 12/5/54 and replace por of exist dedrm which bas insufficient ceiling clearance replace exist nonconforming plumbing & electric wiring and bring dwell up to min standards req by UBC exist dwell obs O' Side yd on.Ely side where 5' is req addns & alterations to obs all yd reg 7455 Hillside Dr R-1 cond'I Case 5425 & 5426 1/17/63 Por Lot A- Permit to Charles E & Darr B Klappert to const 9'x20' addn to exist gar obs 0' SB from Hillside Dr where the avg of the blk is 15' 7550 tt 11Jside Dr R-1-5 Case 6676 9/18/64 Por Lot c- Permit to Silvio and Ingrid Varon to convert exist 22' x 24' carport to two bedrooms and bat11; carport now obs a 4' rear yd and roof over6.and obs O' rear yd, wnere 20' rear yard is req for living area, and overhang sllall be no closer than 2'6" to prop line; at 7502 Hillside Dr betw Castellana Rd and Via Siena. Zone R-1-5. C-11241 6-1-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por of Lots A,C,D and Por of Lots 61,62,63, La Jolla Hills- Permit DENIED to Dr. & Mrs. D. H. Bessesen, Owners and Viewpoint for construction on the So side of Hillside Dr, betw Castellana Rd and Via Siena. Zone R-1-5, PRD #56 8-1-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------