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La Jolla Corona Estates Card 1

LA JOLLA CORONA ESTATES CARD 1.tif LA JOLLA COIWlrA JISTlTBa ') l D ~. ~ CARD,_. Lot 15- Permit to Lu.di c. Graf to const res & detached gar eaves at 11W cor ot res 66 from prop line (76 11 req), eaves at SE cor or res 4i from prop line (6' req) & eaves on N side or gar 4 1 9", 4812 Corral Way, R-1 C Cue #1234 6-J-57 -------------------------------------- Lot 20, Permit to Wm. J. & Helen Dowd to const sin tam res & gar. the gar to obs 101 rar yd (25 1 req) corner Cottentail Ln & Corrall Way, Zone R-1C. Case 12112 10-31-58---------------------------------------------- Lot 4.3, Permit to Leon D. KcKenary- to const cabana & storage locker addn to exist sing 1'11111 res which obs 61 side:,d; addn to observe all yd req at 1324 La Jolla Rancho Rd. betw Rodeo Dr. & La Jolla Mesa Dr. R-1C. N.H. Case #Ja> J 1-17-61-------------~----------------------------------------------Lot 1.36, Parcel 2- Ellli.llo Cappelletti desirse to conat sing tam res with bar sink in pJ,q roam on lower level & has agreed that no second kitchen unit will be installed. and plq l'OOll will never be used u a second living udtl, at 1845 La Jolla Rancho Rd. Agreement #1467 3-13-67-----------------------------------------Lot 16- AGREEMDIT #1370 to Arthur Stover & Paula R. Graf flilJ:lag111, Jr. to install bar Sink in!'UllpllS l"lll, 5822 Corral Way, R-1-10.3-12-65------------------ -------------