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Development Services

Kensignton Park #10

KENSIGNTON PARK #10.tif KENSINGTON PARK. \~'(fr> BLOCK 10 .,. resubdivision- "6 Lots 14-15- to divide lots into 3 parcels, each for a single fam res, provided a tO' SB is maintained along Terrace. Ct Ord 12989 Granted to CW & Irene D McMichael 4950 Marlborough Dr Res ~3582 3/11/41 Permit to Ralph B Hunt Jr 2704 Monroe Ave to build res with 3' SB from Terrace Ct Lot 13 Res 74360 6/10/41 Lot 13- Permit to Ralph B Hunt to const a gar with no SB and a 1' sideyd 4036 Terrace Ct Res 3091 5/5/48 Lot 2- to Louis Morebello to erect a ms,sonry ga11den wall 5' hi 4052 Jefferson Res 1230 12/6/45 E 10~1 of S 70 1 of Lot 15 and por of Tract K, Normal Heights- Permit to J E and Della 0 Shattuck to constr a sing fam res on por of lot without full frontage on dedicated st W side of Terrace Ct 50' N of Jefferson Ave Res 2422 7/30/4.7 Lots 11 &!.2- Petrmit to Louis Morebello to const res & att gar observing 3' SB {8 1 req) Terrace Ct N of Alder Dr R-1 Case 1176 5/13/ 57 Lot 14- Land Conservation Permit to Perry Trout to build patio deck, at 4030 Terrace Ct_____________________________________________________ 214-LC_____ 7L24/72_________________