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J.P. Christensens Block 10

J.P. CHRISTENSENS BLOCK 10.tif J. P. CHRISTENSENS BLOCK JO-Por. Block JO- Condi Approval to Nellie M. Eldridge to constr 12' x 16' laundry rm addn to exist nonconform single fam dwell on ground floor where no living units perm- Map #779, 1636 Fern St betw Date & Cedar Sts, 11C11 Zone. Case No. 12354 12-21-73 Por Block 10-- ZA APPROVED request of JEFFREY L. & KARLA J. FOSTER, owners, RICARDO G. SERRANO, lessee to maintain a 6 1011 high chain I ink perimeter fence with J 1611 in three strands of barbed wire, for a total height of 71611 observing a 01 front yd on Fern St. & a O' street side yard on and where no barbed wire is permitted- Portion of Block 10, J.P. Christensen's Sub. of thew of the NE of P.L. 1141, Map #779 & JO' of vacated portion of Date St. (SA 40275) at 3031 Date St., R-1500, subj to cond. C-l8ss7 c-18597 10/2/84 Por Block 10- On Oct. 24, 1984, JEFFREY L. FOSTER & KARLA J. FOSTER, owners; & RICARDO G. SERRANO, lessee, were granted Variance C-18557 to maintain 6 1 high chain I ink perimeter fence with J 1611 in 3 strands of barbed wire, for a total height of 71611 observing 01 front yard on Fern St. & a O' street side yd on Date St. where a max. 3 1 hi fence is permitted in the reqd 15' front yd & 10' street side yd, & where no barbed wire is permitted at 3031 Date St., Zone R-1500, with conds. Conditions were not complied with & violations have ~~~rt~I! J~~EbOR~/Y~/B5!s REVOKED by City of S.D. & fence C-18857 8/28/85----------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------