Hurd Addition Card 1
HURD ADDITION CARD 1.tif HURD ADDITION Lots 2- 3- Permit to The Whitson Co. to use parcel for parking lot in connection w/adj 11 C11 Zone Medical Center; Hillcrest Dr, No. of Washing St, Zone R-4; Condi. Case No. 4303" 8-11-61 Lots 4- 11- Permit to above to constr 1 story medical bldg w/2' to 10' SB on Hill- crest Dr & Washington St; & constr 8 story medical bldg to obs O' to 3' SB on Washing- ton St; to erect 12' hi concrete wall obs 2 1- 10' SB on both sts; per plans on file in Zoning Adm. office; Zone C.; DENIED req 0' to 10' SB. Case No, 4304 8-11-61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I Permit to Mercy Hospital to constr & operate 436 bed hospital located on both sides of Hillcrest Dr betw Washington St & Lewis St, being a por of Fleischer's Addn; Zone R-4. C.U.P. Case No. 4984 7-25-62 Amend 11-9-62 Case No. 5816 Lots 2 ~ 3- Permit to Whitson Co. to use parcel for parking lot in connection w/adj 11 C11 Zone Medical Center on Hi 1 lcrest Dr, No of Washington St; Zone R-4; Condi. Case No.. 5292 ~ 11-27-62 ,, Lots 4 thru 11- Permit to Whitson Co. to constr 8 story medical bldg obs 2 1 to 10' SB, where 10 1 SB req; Washington St betw Hi 1 lcrest Dr & 6th Ave Ext; Zone "C"; Condi. ~ /-..Z /-_7 5-----------------------_____::::_~~~-~:~!______---~~=:~:~:___-------