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Development Services

H.P Whitney's Addn Block 42

H.P WHITNEY'S ADDN BLOCK 42.tif , 0;; C';,; C; '. ';;,. H~P-; WHITNEY 1 S ADDITION BLOCK 42 q Lots 36 & 37- Cond 1 1 permit to Mrs. Ola Henderson to erect 4 unit apt at rear total 8 units 6 1 access ct, 3046- 3052 National Ave.-Res.#4258 11-2-49 Lots 40- 48- Permit to C.C, Macevicz (Lots 41- 44) & C.C. Macevicz & John A. Macevicz tenants on Lots 45- 48 to maint soft water regeneration plant & distribution center with 5 trucks & 5 employees, at 924 S. 31st St. NW cor National Ave. & 31st St. Zone C, cond'l. Cases#4986 & 4987 6-22-62 Lots 40- 43- Permit to C.C. & Marilyn Macevicz to conduct retail & wholesale automobile stor battery business with assembly of component parts & manuf. battery plates, utilizing approx 80% of bldg & yd area, max of employees 5 & max 15 h.p. where limited wholesale & retail business is perm at 3064 National Ave., cond;l Case#5611 4-23-63