Horton's Purchase Lot 53 Card 2
HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 53 CARD 2.tif ~- dJ l'lflmA~!,-~,,--~ LOT.53,, ~- ~ card 2 ';. < Por- known as Johnson Tract- Permit to Los Angeles Presbytery (St Andrews Presby. Church) to const S'x8' sign 1811 above the gr,:,und, with 14 1 S, on Euclid Ave 25' is reg 210 S Euclid Ave Case 1460 10/11/57 Per P,umit to Roman Gath Bishop of SD to const playground for St Rita School, Euclid Sly of Holly Int R-1 Case 4322 8/24/61 SE- to the Roman Catholic Bishop of SD for amendment to Case 4322 8/24/61, which permitted construction of playground facilities for S Rita's School, on Euclid Ave Sly of Holly St R-1 AMENDS Condition #2 that the proposed 12' high chain link fence be located to the W of such 16' reservation Case 4322 8/17/62 Por- Permit to W H & Blanche K Haxzard, owners, and Blue Pacific Landscape Co, lessee, to use exist facilities on parcel for propagation & cultivation of plants, employees including equipment operators, on lot at 4999 Holly St R-1 where farms, truck rs rt,f.s, & 1!;ll}!;ifJL!,,i~s.ly;j @o1Y..l.l/'r propagation are permitted; cond' 1-I g- s-/7) Case 919 8/29/63 ABOVE C-5919 Ext yr to exp 9-1-65 ('10-9-64) Ex.1 l'J/2.._ To '1+71 (:r-2 <1-00) l yr ext to exp 9-1-68 (3-31-67) ~ ''.. :. ~~-;J-(~~f,,;._:'~7;.} ~~ Y,:_:~~--~~'-=:~-~:~=tiir.::,~~~i1~-_______________ ~--- ~~_-~~-1,1,-_~!~;.t--.1~~}.-____________ fl r, (t(r, If i_.- ff,;.,-,...;, I ~1 Por Lot 53- Permit DENIED to Domenico & Emma J. Mattioni to (C-80 6) remoael & const addn to kitchen of exist sin fam res located on a parcel with another. sin fam dwell when only one sin fam dwell is perm; & (C-8067) to remodel & const addn to kitchen of exist second dwell; exist dwell & addn to obs 0' side yd where 4 1 side yd is req; {per plans) at 251 S. Ozar St. betw Holly Dr. & Ocean View Blvd., Zone R-1-5. c-8066 & 67 3-29-67 APPEAL- Granted Z.A. overruled- to Domenico &Emma J. Mattioni condl c-8066 & 8067 s-26-67