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Horton's Purchase Lot 16 Card 3

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 16 CARD 3.tif (/ l:I.QB.TON 1 S PURCHASE LOT 16 ft card 3 ''f. Por SW, Permit to Lloyd Rodefer, owner & John W & Ruth Hanning, pur, to erect sing fam res, no st frontage but on 50' easement to A St 250' N of A St Res 5924 10/3/51 Por Lot 16- Permit to Robert & Lillian Baldridge, owners, & So, Calif Dist of Lutheran Church, to const church & educ bldgs, pastor res, playground & off-st pkng lot S of SE of lot, exc the S 180' SW cor Beech & Euclid Res 7042 12/24/52 Ely 390 1 of Sly 320' of Nly 645'- Permit DENIED to Russell Segel, owner & Mayfair Markets, Inc, lessee, to maint 12'x20' screened vegtble rm & to const 30'x60' lath house att to rear of exist market bldg in C zone SW cor Euclid & Federal Res 7319 4/15/53 Por Lot 16- To amend Res 7042 ABOVE for Robert & Lillian Baldridge, & So Cal if Dist Lutheran Church, to const res for pastor per plan on file cond'l SW cor Beech & Euclid Res 7377 4/29/53 Por Lot 16- Appeal of Russell Segel, owner, & Mayfair Markets, Inc, lessee Z.C. decision overruled and denied (Res 7319 ABOVE) Res CC 113424 7/30/53 S of NE- Permit to Russell Segel, owner & Mayfair Mkts, lessee, to use area in C & P zone at rear of exist lath house in C zone for storage & sales of Plants, shrubs, & garden supplies & maintain 4'x4' exist sign 5075 Federal Blvd cond'l E 190' of S 200' of N of NE- Permit to Leo J lessee to utilize approx 50'x52' in rear of exist Federal Blv.d R-1 cond'l Res 8670 12/22/~4 Res 8446 9/1/54 Demers, owner, & Gen'l Petroleum Co, serv sta, NW cor of Euclid &