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Development Services

Horton's Purchase Lot 13 Card 3

HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 13 CARD 3.tif HORTON'S PURCHASE LOT 13 Card #3 '1 Por & por Encanto, Lot O- Permit to Mobile Lodge Corp- 6 months ext of time in which to operate trailer park, etc. CUP C-1626 12-8-57 Por- Permit to Ruth Decker, own & Congregational Conference of So. Calif & the SW, purch; to const church plant, plans on file in Plan Off, W side 47th St., 600 1 N of Federal Blvd., R-1 condl CUP C-2196 12-19-58 6 months ext 6-15-59 6 months ext 5-30-60 (1-18-60) Por Lot 13 & por Sec 34, Tl.6S, R2W- Permit to City of S.D. own & S.D. Youth Baseball Council, lessee; to const, maint. & operate 5 baseball diamonds (2 little leage field, 2 poney league fields & 1 pney Grad league,)with l concession stand, restrm, scorekeeper booth & bleachers, S of Redwood St., E of 54th St., R-1 condl c-3062 1-29-60 Ext of time to exp 12-15-61 (addnl condition) (4-12-61) Ext of time for l yr to exp 12-15-62 (12-7-61) Ext of time to exp 12-15-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Permit to Edwin w. Schlehuber & Marvin w. Stewart to const store bldg on "C" por of parcel projecting 32' into CP por; 6200 blk on Imperial Ave. betw 62nd & 63rd Sts., Zones C & CP, cond: final subd map be filed & zone cnanged before final inspection. C-3879 2-24-61----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------