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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 400

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 400.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 400 Block 400. (Zone restraining order) Res. Jl238t! 8-19-29 That, pending bearing or Zoniq, the Building Inspector is directed NOT t.o issue permits contrary to provisions or Zone "A" in bllc /1400-------------------------------------------------Bllc 4001 Lot "F, Permit to Charles A. and Helen Gail Clark to erect a Residence & Garage, with a 4' side yd 13' rear yd and lot coverage 50% (Ord. 8925) Granted b7 Res. 75536 11-12-41----------------------------------------------Lot L- Permit DENIED to Francis A. Marion to cons res with 101 reyd at SW cor of Upas and Goldfinch Sta. and S 15' of Upas St. cl adj Res.5463 4-18-51-------------------------------------------------------(See above) Francis A. Marion appealed to CC- z . C. decision overruled- CC Res.#102145 5-3-51-------------------------------------------------------Lot B- AGREEMENT #683 t.o A. & L. Stagnaro to install kitchen racilities in a rumpus rm. 9-29-50--------------------------------------------------Lot J- Permit to Guiseppe & Vita Adamo to constr a sin fam dwell, gar to obs 4 1 front yd, bal to obs 12 1 611 fr yd where 15 1 is req, & entrance stairs ranging in ht from 0 1 to 9 16 11 to obs at closest point 0 1 fr yd where 15 1 is rea, 4 1 hi ret wall along so 24 1 fr prop line where max 3 1 is perm, 8 1 erec on no prop line where max 6 1 hi wall is perm, on Goldfinch St, Zone R-1-5 APPROVED request, DENIED balcony C-13933 11-16-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------