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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 388 Card 2

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 388 CARD 2.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 388 Lots A & B- Permit to Teo M Jacobs to make int alter to exist dental bldg with 4' rear yd, 6 1 SB, 66% coverage, max of alter $2000 3355 4th Ave R-4 Case 1586 12/18/57 Lots A & B- Permit to Theo M Jacobs to remodel interior & exterior of exist 3 car gar & storeroom with apt above; stucco & reroof structure & remove stairs that obs 0' sideyd & relocate also obs O' sideyd; dental bldg on par obs 4' rearyd & p~r has 66% coverage perm by Var Res 5932, where 4 1 side yd is req 419 Upas St SE cor Upas & 4th R-4 condl Case 5845 7/29/63 Lot D- Perm to Theo M Jacobs, 530 Broadway, Rm 826, to dev & maint premises for parking lot for offices on Lots A & B R-P zone Nly, until such time as this lot is dev w/uses perm in R-P zone on Lot D 3333 4th Ave betw Thorn & Upas Sts R-P condl Case 7310 s