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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 358 Card 2

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 358 CARD 2.tif HORTON 1 S ADDITION BLOCK 358 ~ fl Lot G & N of Redwl)Od St closed adj- ll.A. considered the app of Hohn Lightner ~ich\rd T Hilmen, Jr to canst a professional office bldg obs 611 front yd on S of lot & with 5req pkng spaces obs 0' distance from front prop line where struc is req to obs 15' front yd & no iiarking i;; perm within 10' of the f.ront prop 1 ine; and providing that no landscaping in front yd where area betw SB line & Public sidewalk is req to be planted (as amended) at 3104 4th Ave betw Quince & Spruce Sts, Zone R-P, and has DENIED the app as requested but APPROVED an approx 9" SB I i ne with the b 1 dg adj to the N, Cond I I See L-364 Case 8104 5/10/67 Lots ~ & K- WITHDRAWN- Barton Sheela, Jobn Ligbtner, Peter Hugbes and Ramon Castro requested perm to dev prop as parking lot for employees of law offices to tbe soutb at 3170 Fourth Ave betw Spruce and Redwood Streets. Zone co. c-12169 10-12-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots K & L- Permit to Sheela, Lightner, Hughes & Castro to constr two-story office bldg with two sub-basements; corner of second bseement (roof 7' above finished grade) to obs 0' rear yard where 15' is required, at 3170 Fourth Ave. betw Redwood and Spruce Streets Zone co. Cond'l. C-12966 1-15-75 Lots A & B- Permit to Walter B. & Winifred s. Broderick to (1) convert 4 exist dwell UIJ units (1741 sq. ft.) to be used as indicental offices for an int decorating business in the adj bldg on the same parcel generating a need for 6 additional parking spaces; 6 spaces to be provided across the streets on Lots G & H, Block 384, Horton's Addn approve for a conunercial parking lot by C-12046. (2) extend exist 6 1 hi fence to obs a O' front yard on Third Ave. where a max 3' hi fence is perm and the req 15' front yard located at the SE car of Third Ave. and Spruce St. Zone CO. Cond '1 . ~~;:0~={j:--~--l~---~:-~f------~~--1'.:!~~--~1:::~----------_.-_..,