Horton's Addn Block 321 Card 1
HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 321 CARD 1.tif HO RTON 1S ADDITION BLOCK 321 F Lots G & H- Permit to Charles F Herreshoff, Ramona to erect and oper 2 hou ng Olive St in Zone R-1 Olive & Albatross NW Res. 67875 7/12/38 Amendment to Res. 67875 to allow gar and servants quarters on E of lots a(DENIED by Res. 67953,,r- Lot L- Permit to Dr & MRs FA Richlson to const gar with sing fam apt above, with 4 1 SB, W side Albatross St immed S of the intersection of Palm St. Res No 3771 3/23/49 W Lot G & S 21' of W of Lot H- Permit to Ned A & Lunn J Kimball to div orig lots & bid res, 70'W of Albatross on North side of 01 ive St Res 6206 2/20/52 Lot D- Permit to Neil Nettleship to const sin fam dwelling obs 10' SB (15' req) on E side of Brant St betw Palm & 01 ive Sts Zone R-1 c~se No. 2439 4/17/59 Lot D- AGREEMENT #1310 to Theo C & Susanna Mitthel- bar sink 2829 Brant St 1/19/64 Lots Land por of Palm and Albatross Sts closed- F.A. Richison & Lula E Richison to const sing fam dwelling and maintain exist kitchen in apartment over garage AGREEMENT #821 1 0/11 /64, Lot L- Frank A and Lula E Richison to const single fam res and maintain the kitchen in exist apt above gar, which is to be used as servants ats only Res 8447 9/7/54 Lots E & F- Dr Frederick A Frye to const 2-story addn to exist sing fam dwell with bar sink on 2nd fir, 324 W Olive St Agreemt 1554-A 8/15/68 Wl.y of Lot G, Sly 211 of W of Lot H- Permit to Robert E & Helen Hicketbier to constr an 8.5 x 24' patio & 12' x 24' living-room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs all yards but result in approx 50,, coverage wbere 401, is perm (exist patio being removed) 320 w. Olive St betw Brant st~eet and Albatross St, Zone R-1-5. c-12253 11-1-73