Horton's Addn Block 308
HORTON'S ADDN BLOCK 308.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOOK 3o8 Lots D-1- Permit to M. Hall Co,- B (ord. 9766) suspended for public dining room. at 4tn & Nutmeg. Res. 54774 9-17-30 Lot A & N30' of B- Rear yard suspension to 4 to allow addn to apt-ct at 3rd & Olive, for Mr, Ellie, DENIED Minutes 5-14-36 Lots D & E- Conditional permit to M, Hall Co. to convert exist gar at 2720 4tn Ave. into an apt witn l' side yd (HOLC) Res. 307 6-10-43 Lots D & Por of Lot E- Condition permit to M. Hall Co. to convert exist garage at 2720 4th Ave. into an apt witn al' sideyd. Res. 560 4-3-44 Lots D-1- Permit to BPOE No. 168 to const addn to exist club house the addn to nave 0' SB on 3rd Ave. at 2727 3rd Ave. Res. 8757 2-16-55--t' Lot C & s of B- Permit to S.D. County Water Authority to use as parking lot, on E side of 3rd Ave. (at rear of 2734 4tll) condl. Res. 9302 11-23-55 Lot D & Por of E- AGREEMEIIT:/1284 to Edward C. Hall & L.B. Fisn, Pres & Sec of tne M. Hall Co. to conv exist gar on prop into apt with 1 foot sideyd. Res, 560 4-4-44--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------