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Development Services

Horton's Addn. Block 285

HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 285.tif IORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 285 ~} Lota A & B- Permit to San Diego Woman's Club, by Lillian Adams to erect & operate a private club house in Zone B-4, side yard 5' rear yd 11'9!', lot coverage 7CJ1,. Res. 70007 9-26-39---------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------- Res. 69656 7-18-39 Authorizes an Ord. establishing a setback line of 7' from the prop line on tile east side ot 3-tid Ave., betw Laurel & Maple Sts. Lots A-C & J-L- Suspension ot Zone to allow a golt course, DENIED to M,W. Brown. 4th & Maple SW lQ-6-30 Lots A-C- Permit to San Diego Woman's Club to bld a4ilns to private club, Ba,, coverage SE cor Maple & 3rd Ave. Res. 4531 3-22-50 Lots D-G- Permit to Paul H, Granger to const branch bank bldg on Lots F & G 9~ coverage of Lot f (~ perm) O' side yd & rear yd on Lot F (3' & 10' req) & to use Lots D & E for parking tor bank, Lots D-F- Zone R-4 & Lot Gin C Zone, 3rd Ave. betw Laurel & Maple condl. C-3319 & 3320 4-29-60