Horton's Addn. Block 283
HORTON'S ADDN. BLOCK 283.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 283 41' Lots H- K- Perlhit to Sefton Investment Co., by r.w. Wakefield, Jr.- 6th north of Laurel- R-q, (Ord. 12987) suspended for auto parking lot, expires with exposition. Res. 63101 5-28-35 Lots G-L- Permit to Mrs. Lena s. Clark to const apt house approx 30 units on property line W side 6tn Ave. cor Laurel & Maple. Res. 3776 3-23-49 Lots G-L- Ext of 6 mo to Res. 3776 to Mrs. Lena s. Clark. Res. 4163 9-21-49 Lots G-L- Ext of 6 mo to Res. 4163 which extended Res. 3776 to Mrs. Lena s. Clark. Res. 4532 3-22-50 Lots G-L- Permit to Dallas Clark to const one story drive-in bank bldg witn mezzanine & off st parking, on W side 6tn betw Laurel & Maple, condl. AMENDED 12-7-65 a~ /-//-78 Res. 9421 2-15-56 Lots g-1- Permit to Dallas Clark to const one story drive-in bank bldg witn O' SB on 6tn, masonry wall on park lot witn 5' SB (15' req) on W side 9tn betw Laurel & Maple, condl. AMENDED 12-7-65 ~:1~--~C:: /-//- 7E Res. 9422 2-15-56----------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------ CASES 94-21 & 9422 APPEALED- DENIED by B.Z.A CC131927 3-15-56