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Horton's Addition Pors. Blks. 12,14,23,24,118,119,140,141 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDITION PORS. BLKS. 12,14,23,24,118,119,140,141 CARD 1.tif HORI'ON'S ADDITICN PORS.BLKS.14, 12, 23,24,118,119,141,140 POR. Lots B,C,D,H,I,J of Blk.23, Lots F,G, of Blk.24, Lot L of Blk. 14, Lots A,B,C, I,J,K of Blk. 13, Por. lots E,F,G, Of Block A, Por. of unnumberd block, NELY of NELY line of 100 ft. property line of ATS&F Railway, SLY of SLY line of J St. and WSLY of WSLY line of First Ave., Lots A,B,C,I,J,K, of Blk. 118, Lots D,E,F,G, of Blk.119, Lots A,B,C,I,J,K, of Blk. 141, Lots D,E,P,G of Blk, 140, pars. of Front St., First, Ave., Second Ave., Third Ave., Fourth Ave., Fifth Ave., J St., K St., L St.,- ZA DENIED request of REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, CITY OF SAN DIEX,O to erect an 8'-0" x 30'-0" 240 sq.ft. 10'-0" high tenporary constuction site sign where the maximum size sign permitted is 160 sq. ft., located east of Market St., N. of Harbor Drive, Marina Planned District. C 20461 12/29/89