Horton's Addition Block 218 Card #1
HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 218 CARD #1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 218 CARD "l (? Lot E (N 47 1)- Suspension of "c" (Ord 8924) to allow remodeling garage for living quarters, with 3' side yd, 18" rear yd, & lot coverage of 6CJ1, DENIED to Rose Hess, 1721 2nd Ave., Res. 70277 11-14-39 V' Lots K & L- Permit to Donald Boyden to constr a cyclone fence 6' hi along the south p.l. & 8' above level of own walk; and to constr an 8 1 cyclon~ fence along 3rd & Elm Sts., on top of a concrete wall, max of 2' in ht., SW cor of 3rd & Elm. Res. 2332 6-19-47 v Lots K & L) Condl permit to Donald & Grace Boyden to operate employment agency in connection with existing school 1760 3rd Ave. Res. 47Q6 5-31-50 V Lots K & L- Permit to Donald & Grace S. Boyden to operif"an agency for placement of' veterans & others in conaection with normal school classes, testing & counseling activitiee at 1760 3rd Ave., Zone R-4- expires 6-30-51 Res. 4774 6-28-50 Lot C- Permit to Jack & Josephine Gilbert to convert bedroom to apt in bldg with l' side yd 1745 2nd Ave. Res. 6716 8-20-52 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..f11 Lot B- Permit to Mr, & Mrs. D.P. Johnson to remove exist bldgs & const 10 story apt bldg ~f covering 5a,; of lot above grnd with undergrnd park to cover lOCJ1, of lot; undergrnd park J ~ to obs O' SB, O' sideyd, & O' rearyd; apt bldg to obs 4 sideyd on Nly side & balconies j ' only to obs 8 1 sideyd on Sly side, when 10' is req for sideyd & rearyd, & 5CY1, cov is perm ~& witb.front of gar on 2nd ave. to be approx8' above sidewalk level & obs O' SB where the,_ f~' is req a"'t 1755 59 2nd Ave. R-4 zoae condl c-6132 & 33 12-16-63__