Homeland Villas Resub Block 1 Card 1
HOMELAND VILLAS RESUB BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif HOMELAND. VILLAS RESUBDIVISION #1 Lot 1- Permit DENIED by ZA the amended request of GWENDOLYN P, WHITEHEAD, owner; TUNE MASTERS (a California Corporation), dba TUNE-UP MASTERS, lessee, to erect (1) revolving 150 sq. ft. ground sign, 32'-9" high, where ground signs are not permitted if building is within 20' of the front property 1 ine; (2) wal 1 signs totaling 168 sq. ft. on Garnet Avenue frontage, where maximum 25 sq. ft. is permitted; (3) all signs totaling 84 sq. ft. on Albuquerque Street frontage, where 25 sq. ft. is permitted; (4) wall sign inter- ior to property of 54 sq. ft. total, where maximum 25 sq. ft. is permitted; (5) wall sign totaling 84 sq. ft. on west elevation of building, where signs are not permitted without street frontage, at 2830 Garnet Avenue, Zone C-1-5. and M-1. C-17183 4-3-81