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Development Services

Hollyknoll Sub

HOLLYKNOLL SUB.tif HOLLYKNOLL SUB e <7 I 1w Lot 2- Permit to Allen and Kathy Glick to constr two detached guest rooms on same lot wit~ sin fam dwell with bar sink in each guest room at 1547 El Camino Del Teatro. Zone R-1-20. AGREE #1929 2-12-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Allen and Kathy Glick to constr a study addn with bar sink and a garder. room addn with bar sink to sin fem dwell at 1547 El Cam del Teatro. AGREE #1942 3-27-74 Lot 2- Permit to Allen R. Glick to erect approx 315' of 6' open wood fence obs O' SB on Camino Del Teatro and approx 158' of 6' high wood fence obs O' SB on La Cumbre Drive where max 3' high fence is permitted in 15' estab. SB on Camino Del Teatro and 25' established SB on La Cumbre Drive, at 1547 El Camino Del Teatro, west of La Cumbre Drive, Zone R-1-20. v'C-12,772 N.H. 8-13-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Allen R. Glick to const a two-story rec rm addn to an exs guest house, addn to obs 81 sb on La Cumbre Drive and to const 909 sq. ft. addn to and remodel of exs home, obs a 10' sb on El Camino del Teatro. Permit DENIED. 1547 El Camino del Teatro. Zone R-1-20. C-14671. 11-4-77. Lot 2- Permit to Allen R. Glick, Tr. to maintain a 12 1x20 1 security bldg to obs a 0' uxu street side yard sb on El Camino Del Teatro and a 5 1611 front yard on La Cumbre Drive. Request DENIED, C-14947. 1547 El Camino Del Teatro. Zone R-1-20. i 3-31-78.------------------..----------------------..----------------------------