Highlands Industrial Park Resub #1
HIGHLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK RESUB #1.tif,;I. HIGHWDS1 (THE) RESUi ot lfO. 19 '> 1,! > ~ 7 Lot 1, Orowbeat Baking Co. DEIIIED tocoonstnct treestaming sign, with supporting post oba. 16i tt setback & sign obs 15-tt. SB troa Kearney Mesa Road (501 req.) but APPROVED 25 tt. SB tor th post & 2't rt. SB for the sign. c-2862.____ 10,__/9'-'-/-"-5"'-9_______ Lot 2., s. D. Machinists Bldg. Assoc. to erect temp .f'reestan. 8 1 x 16 1 unJigt,t.ed sign for 1 ~.advert.is.off. space for lease at 5180 1Cearne7 lies& Bd, & denied 15 1 SB but Approved sign with 2~ SB, to expire 3/30/61.-~..J],fl],_)/ll/60.___________ Lot Z1- Speedee Hart 8/5/59 L-19 Lot 1- Orowheat Baking Co. to const.3 flour atorage bins, obs 14' where 25 1 side 7ard is req, at 5202 learrq Mesa Rd, Lot 1, The Highlands, 1D M-li Zone, GR.ANTED with conditions.__________________ C-8j'/9 7/.31./68