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Development Services

Highland Park Estates Unit #9 Card 2

HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES UNIT #9 CARD 2.tif HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES #9 CARD it2,)o Lot 9?/- The z. A. considered the application of Robert D. & Humiko Gilbert to maintain approx 35 1 of 32" high retaining wall with.:;611 fence on top for a total height of 6811, obs 0 1 SB, where a max 31 high fence is perm in estab 12 1 SB on Lot 927, at 7623 Shorewood Dr. betw Black Oak Road & Hingwood Drive, Zone R-1-5 and DENIED the application as requested, but AIPROVED a 3 1 high screen block wall 61 inside 32" high retaining wall located on the front property line, condl. Case No. 7049 4/1/65 L;t-895-:-p;;;It-t;-Willi;; and No~-Livernois-i;;-;;~1;;1;;-t;-;;;~t-;;;;;;-150 or-4;;- bign retaining wall, portion to obs 3' setback on Meadowbrook Dr, wnere max 3' wall is perm in est 10' setback at 7895 Huntnaven Rd betw Deerock Pl and Meadowbrook Dr. Zone R-1-5. c-10423 N.H. 3-31-n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ill Lot 908- Permit to James & June M. Blackwell to add 1' to por of exist 3' hi retain wa obs 2' setback where max 3 1 hi wall is perm in 10' estab setback at 260 Meadowbrook Dr. betw Shorewood Dr & Blackpool Rd, Zone R-1-5 C-10802 N,H. 9-24-71---------------------------------------------Cot--979_--Robert L. Cozby to erect 8 1611 of 4' 1011 hi retaining wal 1 within req 10 1 front yd; wal 1 obs l 1611 front setback where 10' req for walls higher than 3', at 257 Meadowbrook Dr, Zone R-1-5. APPROVE 4 1 1011 wal 1 obs 4 1 611 setback w/remainder of wal 1 max 42" high. C-13947 NH 10-14-76 Lot 940- AGREEMENT to HENRY & EMMY VAN HIEN to construct master bedroom and bath above attached garage, at 7654 Shorewood Drive, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2662 5-7-81