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Development Services

Higgins (H.M) Addition Block 3

HIGGINS (H.M) ADDITION BLOCK 3.tif HIGGINS 1 (H. H.).ADDITIOll BLOCK 3 Jl'rac Lota 1-4-X 49.7,. (Ord. 8924) suapend.ed., Max 1talbin. Lot 4., IUy 49.7 ' and Lot J., Nly 49.7 1 of Wly 21 14 11- Condl pend.t to Edna G. Bristol to alter garage at 248.3-85 "811 St. into slnping room & bath with 4 in. aide Jd. cm east & onl.7 4 ft. to adjoining NS. Res. 445. 11/1.2/43 SU AGREEMENT /1260 Por- AGREEMENT 11260 to Edna G. Bristol to alter a gar into a sleeping l'lll and bath with tour inch side yd & 4' to adj res. Bes. 445 12/1/43