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Development Services

Higgins Addition Block 9 Card 1

HIGGINS ADDITION BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif HIGGDIS ADDITION BLOCK 9 Card ill Block 9, lot 8- "A" Zone S\ISpendecl for w. H. Samers, S. E. Cor Brookes & Herbert,, 7 for garage & ap-ta. above. Res. 41465 4/25/27 Lota l,w,3,4,5, & 12- Pennit to Alfred B. & Elizabeth Thorsen to rediv 6 lots into 5 bldg. sitea, & const 2 liv units on each with exc. Lota 5 & 12, to have comb. 3 units-Cond 11. appr. on MW corner Myrtle & Herbert. Res. 5214 12/27/50 E 45 1 or S90 1 of Lot 4 & por ot Herbert St. closed & Myrtle Ave. Closee- Pel'llit to il!red B. & Elizabeth Thorsen, owners, & M. S. Frazell, purch., to erect duplex or two aing am dwell with 101 SB on Myrtle & 81 SB on Herbert, at NW cor Herbert & lf1rt'.le, cond'l &pproff.l.. Res. 5238 l/lD/51 Por Lots l,2,5, & 12- Pemit to Alfred & Eliz Thorsen to rediv lots granted on Res. 5214, on condition agree. be signed holding Nly 101 Lot 1 & all 2 & 12 in one ownership. Res. No. 6410 4/.30/52------------------------~-" <---,,--,s Por. Lota l, 2, 5, & 12- Amend. Rea. 6'.l0 ABOVE to include 5' rear yd on Lot l {por}, 2 & 12, to Alfred B. & Eliz. Thorsen, Myrtle & Herbert St. Res. 6505 5/28/52 Lot 5 & Nly 19' Lots.3 & 4- Pend.t to Allred B. & Eliz Thorsen to erect sin&.tam residence in ad.dn to exist sing raa res on rear, with 10 1 SB on W side of Herbert St. between ~l & Brookes Aves._.._ Res. 7115 l/?J./5")___ ----- "_________..._ Por Albert St. clsd,-N. of Myrtle St.- Permit to Kenneth s. & M&r;r Rosa, owners & Robert S. & Dorothy H. Teague, wr, to erect duplex with 101 SB on)q'rtle, betw Herbert & Richmond. Sta. aes. 7260.3/18/53 6 mos Ext. 7747 9/16/53 6 mos_ ext. (final) 8055.