Hermosa Terrace Block 1 Card 4
HERMOSA TERRACE BLOCK 1 CARD 4.tif I / HERM'JSA TERRACE BLOCK 1 CARD. #4 Lot 3- ZA considered the rEquest of NICHOLAS VALE''TINO to maintain (1) approxima~ 107 linear feet of maximum 5'-0" hiah. solid wall with pillars up to 6'-4" in height located within the 15'-0" required froritJanfldriveway visibility areas; (2) approximately 6'-0" linear feet of a 1'-5" addition to the top of a 4'-1" high nonconfonning wall (total height 5'-5") within the 15'-0" required front yard at the southerly end of the property, where a maximum 3'-0" high solid wall is pennitted, at 6424 camino de la Costa, Rl-8000 Zone; ZA DENIED as requested, but APPROVED~-tain 15 feet of overheight solid fence along the northerly and southerly property line within the front yard set- back. Said overheight fence not to exceed 3 foot in h t as measured fran the interior side of the property subject to conditions: C-20599 9/24/90 Lot 13- Permission is granted to Dr Chang Liang-Jen, Owner/Permittee to construct coastal development located at 6276 Camino de la Costa, Rl-8000 zone. CDP 1/91-0548 2/26/92 Lot 6- Permission is granted to Dr & Mrs Robert Thomas, Owner/Permittee to construct a Coastal Development located at 6378 Camino de la Costa R-1-8000 zone. ' CDP 91-0538 9/18/91