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Hazard Industrial Tract #2 Card 2

HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #2 CARD 2.tif CARD# 2 /J/ Lot 27- Permit to:Coris Nr. L~wrence, owner & Hank 0 1 Br en dba S'la;,rock Inr1, lessee, to const pole si_,:-i. Pole to obs SB, s gn to proj max of v;, into SB a.ea, at.'3027:::islboa Ave., west of Kearny Mesa Rd., Zone M-lA; ~: condl~ CasE No. 5878 8-5-63---Lot/33- Pennit to BROLIN-INVF.STMENT CO., owner,-and DON ART STEAKS-& D"t> N-HIU:.,-lessee-- to erect one single-pole, interior-lighted 60 sq, ft., double, plastic-faced sign with 3 t-611 diameter circular revolving lighted sign above; top of sign approx. 21 t above grade, located 10' from E. p.l., edge of sign to observe 47' SB from C/L of Balboa Ave. (76' req.), with edge of sign projecting 3' over required 10' planting strip where no projection is permitted, advertising "Top Sirloin", on Balboa Ave. betw. Ruffner St. & Kearny Mesa Rd.,, Zone M-lA, where no structures in or over required 10' planting strip are pennitted. Cond'l. Case #5906 8/29/63 Lot 33- Permit to BROLIN INVESTMENT CO., owner, and TRI-VENTURE CORPORATION & FRANK HARRIS, lessee- to erect one 2-pole, interior-lighted, 42 sq. ft., double, plastic-faced sign; top of sign 17' above grade, approx. l' fromW. p.l.; edge of sign to observe 47' SB ~, from C/L of Balboa Ave., with edge of sign projecting 3' over 10' planting strip where.-__ no projection is penn:it ted, advertising the ''Carriage Hause.11, on S. side of Balboa Ave.,.St\ 041500' w. of Hiuhway 395, where.JG'.SB from C/L of street established by Ord. 8724 N.S. L-.-:...~ is reg . ~~ 7-./J-g_c;,.,__ Cond'l. Case #5907 8/29/63 II Lot 31- Permit to Custom 3ror.ze c,; Irorj Works Co. to cor:st 601 X 70 1 aadn ~ to exist Custo,n Bronze factory wllich obs 0 1 sideyd perm by Zone Var c-4174; addn wi 11 also.obs O I sideyfi ~ result ir. a oorox 5c;}b S:,QY of.Par where 10'.t,,_ ~ideyd to:nax 2;)' is req 3.::-;,O'.io coverage is perm, a't ('-} r3 nal::ioa Ave., M-lA...)(I:- ~ ~-22~~1~-~=~f..__________ ~~=:-~~~-~~:~~------=9=~=~~~-